Disclose Your NIL Opportunity

Fill out the form below to disclose the details of your NIL Opportunity. You and your Compliance Officer will receive an email confirming your submission. Please send any additional information or questions regarding this NIL Opportunity to your Compliance Officer.

Review & Submit

Student-Athlete Details


Select all categories that apply: *
Select all that apply:
Select all that apply:

Category Details


Add all locations for this opportunity.


Select One: *


Enter all forms of payment that apply

Agreements & Approvals

Do you intend on using any University trademarks or logos for this opportunity? *
Do you intend on using any University facilities or equipment for this opportunity? *
Are there any written agreements or contracts for this opportunity? *

Your opportunity has been submitted!

Your opportunity has been submitted to your compliance officer for review. Check your email for a copy of the opportunity. Would you like to submit another opportunity?

Hm. It seems that something went wrong with your Opportunity submission.

The team has been alerted and will contact you if any information is needed. No further action is required of you at this time.